About Us

About Us

The Church of Christ was established on the Day of Pentecost, as recorded in the 2nd chapter of Acts, in the New Testament. We believe that any who impartially study the Word of God may come to the truth, and follow in the same path, planting anew the Lord's Church, or Body in whatever time we live. That is why we shun any names of human origin, and honor only the Lord who shed his blood to purchase and build the Church (Acts 20:28 & Matthew 16:18) As the apostle Paul declared in Romans 16:16, "...the churches of Christ salute you."

  1. Bible Study
    2/16/25 10:00am
  2. AM Worship
    2/16/25 11:00am
  3. Bible Study
    2/19/25 06:30pm
  4. Bible Study
    2/23/25 10:00am
  5. AM Worship
    2/23/25 11:00am
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